Home / Royal Mail / £1 coin featuring King Charles worth £600 and there could be more in circulation

£1 coin featuring King Charles worth £600 and there could be more in circulation

A woman who found a rare £1 coin with a huge design gaffe will now sell it for hundreds of pounds. Diane Bath, 62, who runs The Post Office in Broughton-in-Furness, Cumbria, spotted a new £1 King Charles coin that is entirely in one colour.

Staff spotted that a £1 coin in the delivery appeared to be entirely gold. The error by The Royal Mint – said to be incredibly rare – meant that it was all brass, rather than the two-tone nickel.

The coin features King Charles’ portrait on one side, while the other side depicts a new 2023 design of two bees to celebrate the monarch’s love of nature. Ms Bath, who has been a postmistress for over 20 years, told The Sun : “I am absolutely over the moon.

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“Obviously we handle cash all the time and it’s the most exciting find I’ve ever had in over two decades.” Oliver Reece, British Coin Specialist at Baldwin’s, said it could be worth £600 and said: “It may not be unique but certainly they are, by their very nature, rare things and the market is quite strong for modern errors. I should think it would be worth a good few hundred pounds but you never know how these things will go at auction as there are often no direct comparisons.”

A spokeswoman from the Royal Mint said: “The Royal Mint has tight quality controls in place and the chance of encountering any UK coin with error is exceptionally low. We always urge collectors to be cautious and to do their research.”

The tribute to British Bees is one of eight new designs that will appear on the nation’s coins, from the 1p, to the £2, which feature animals such as the Hazel Dormouse, Puffin and the Atlantic Salmon – all species which are in active conservation programmes.

Revealed in October 2023, the new designs highlight His Majesty King Charles III’s passion for conservation. The number indicating the value of each coin has also been enlarged, to help children understand the value of money.

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