Home / Royal Mail / Prince Andrew involved in ‘serious altercation’ with aide – Royal Central

Prince Andrew involved in ‘serious altercation’ with aide – Royal Central


The Duke of York has found himself on the front pages on the Sunday newspapers again, this time for an incident involving a senior royal aide.

According to the Mail on Sunday, Prince Andrew flew into a ‘furious rage’ at one of his highly respected aides, with the incident becoming so serious the Prince of Wales later became involved.

The alleged fracas occurred a few weeks ago, with Prince Charles learning of the altercation a short time later, asking his brother to apologise.

Neither Buckingham Palace or Clarence House have commented on the reports.

A source close to the Duke told the Mail: “There were heated words on both sides but the altercation was in no way physical.

“It was a verbal dispute. It was a work-related issue. The Duke got very cross that what he wanted wasn’t possible.

“The Duke explained the situation to the Prince of Wales and left it at that. There was no apology because there was nothing to apologise for. The Duke maintains a good relationship with the Prince of Wales.”

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