Home / Royal Mail / London taxi company to expand production of electric vehicles

London taxi company to expand production of electric vehicles

The London taxi factory in Coventry is to increase production sevenfold in the next three years as it begins assembly of a plug-in hybrid electric delivery van based on the new black cab to be marketed to the Royal Mail and large fleet users such as BT (Robert Lea writes).

That is the pledge of Joerg Hofmann, chief executive of the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC), the company formed from the 2014 buyout of the collapsed of London Taxi International by Geely, the Chinese carmaker.

It began production in 2017 of redesigned, re-engineered hybrid black cabs capable of running on an electric charge for 80 miles, to meet rules that all new London taxis must be capable of operating on zero emissions.

LEVC built and

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