Home / Royal Mail / Dog owners could face five years in jail if pet attacks postal workers

Dog owners could face five years in jail if pet attacks postal workers

Dog owners could face up to five years in jail if their dog attacks a postal worker – unless the owner proves it is no longer a danger to the public.

The Royal Mail is now calling for dog owners to make letter boxes a ‘no-go’ zone for their pets after postal staff have suffered attacks, with some cases resulting in amputation.

The request comes after the High Court ruled that dog owners who fail to take steps to prevent their dogs from biting postal workers fingers though a letter box, whether the owners are at home or not, can be convicted of an offence contrary to the Dangerous Dogs Act and face a maximum of up to five years in prison.

Angela Chapman, a postwoman of 13 years from Darlington, said: “I was delivering mail on a new route and posted a letter through a letterbox. I wasn’t aware of a dog at the property and it didn’t bark as I approached the door.

“My hand didn’t actually go through the letterbox when I posted the mail, but the dog instantly latched on to the letter and pulled my hand into the letterbox.

“It bit onto my three fingers and wouldn’t let go. The dog’s owner didn’t come to my aid, so I had to literally pull my hand out of the dog’s grip.

“I went into shock and some neighbours who had heard me screaming called an ambulance and I was taken to hospital.”

The High Court ruled that the decision applies to postal workers or anyone lawfully visiting the premises, such as someone delivering a free newspaper or distributing leaflets.

The Judge said that there will be a short time when someone exposes their fingers to a dog within the property.

If the dog injures that person, and the owner had allowed the dog to freely roam the house, the owner can be criminally liable.

“I suffered irreversible nerve damage to my ring finger and have been left with a permanent tingling in my finger that gets worse in the winter,” added Angela.

“Also, the scar tissue means I can’t bend my fingers properly. Even as a dog owner, I am very wary of strange dogs now.

“The attack still affects me now, eight years on. Even if the smallest of dogs looks as though it is going to approach me, I start shaking and sweating.

“A simple letterbox gate would have prevented this happening to me.”

Since 2013, over 650 postal workers have been attacked while posting mail through the letterbox – some cases have resulted in the loss of fingertips and even amputation

Dr Shaun Davis, Royal Mail Group Global Director of Safety, Health, Wellbeing & Sustainability said: “We know that the majority of dog owners are responsible and will do all they can to ensure their pet doesn’t harm anyone.

“However, even the most lovable dog can be a danger to postal staff. Dogs are territorial by nature and if they feel they need to protect their family, they can become unpredictable.”

In 2014, Royal Mail successfully lobbied for changes to the Dangerous Dog Act which imposed tougher penalties irresponsible dog owners.

This amendment to legislation ensured that postmen and women were given legal protection if attacked by dogs when legitimately on private property, including a customer’s garden.

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