Home / Royal Mail / Queen’s unexpected hobby has made her £100million – but it’s not for everyone

Queen’s unexpected hobby has made her £100million – but it’s not for everyone

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Despite celebrating her 94th birthday this year, the Queen has a packed diary every day – keeping up to date with government issues, charity work and royal duties.

However she still manages to find time for the things she loves, including seeing her family, horse riding and going for walks.

And there is another, slightly more unusual hobby that the Monarch enjoys and it’s earned her a lot of money over the years – about £100million to be exact.

The Queen has been collecting stamps for decades and she now has an extremely impressive private collection.

One of the most valuable in her stash is a Mauritian stamp, which alone was valued at a staggering £2million back in 2002.

The Queen is a keen stamp collector
(Image: PA)

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The 1847 stamp from the Post Office of Mauritius is one of the most prized in the world, reports the Telegraph.

It originally belonged to her grandfather King George V, who bought it at auction in 1904. He paid £1,450 for the stamp at the time, which is equivalent to around £60,000 today.

The stamp went on display to the public in 2002 as part of a travelling exhibition to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.

The Queen looking through her stamp collection
(Image: ullstein bild via Getty Images)

The Queen got to see a lot of stamps during a r tour of the Royal Mail Windsor postal delivery office in Windsor in 2016
(Image: AFP/Getty Images)

Over the years the Queen has added their own very impressive stamps to the growing collection, and it is now absolutely massive.

It is said to fill about 300 albums and about 200 boxes, which are all stored in a vault at St James’s Palace.

When the Queen took over the collection she decided to sell some of the “surplus to requirement” stamps at auction, and used the cash to buy new additions.

The Queen has a number of very, very rare stamps
(Image: Getty Images)

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According to the Telegraph, the pieces she sold were a huge hit with buyers back in 2001 and her 200 items made £750,000.

She spent £250,000 of the profit on a unique set of 10 Penny Blacks.

Despite having to cancel all her official engagements during the Covid-19 lockdown, the Queen refused to slow down, so she could have spent time focusing on her collection.

The Queen looking at original stamp designs
(Image: Getty Images)

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Speaking to OK! magazine earlier this year, royal expert Ingrid Seward said: “The Queen always says if she stops, she drops, so she’ll be keeping busy.

“But as a creature of habit, the lack of a strict routine will be getting to her.”

Ingrid, the editor of Majesty magazine, explained that the Queen always “likes to keep her brain active”.

She said: “She’s very, very quick at crosswords and enjoys word games, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she plays Scrabble.

“She likes jigsaws, too, but those are kept at Balmoral and Sandringham as they’re holiday pastimes.

“She’s also very orderly and likes cataloguing personal things, so she’s probably catching up with her photograph album.”

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