Home / Royal Mail / Grassroots roundtable – How was it for you?

Grassroots roundtable – How was it for you?

2020 has been an unprecedented year. The effects of
Covid-19 will still be being felt in years to come, with the
general economy struggling to return to something like normal.
Unemployment is likely to rise and the way people work will, no
doubt, change substantially.

Through all this mayhem, and indeed considerable fear and
anxiety, sport has been able to return after a period of lockdown.
How did ‘lockdown’ affect the grassroots sports venues? In this
‘virtual roundtable discussion’, we seek the opinions of those
struggling at the coalface of the industry. Here’s our panel:

Are you a volunteer or paid staff?

Wes Matthews (WM): Volunteer.

Matt Stevens (MS): Volunteer, committee member and reluctant

John Thornton (JT): I am a volunteer.

Paul Clarke (PC): I’m a part-time groundsman.

Philip Harper-Scott (PHS): I am currently being paid to look
after three greens; two on a full-time contract, whilst the other
one – the club undertake the cutting during the playing season, but
I still do all other work on the green.

If on the payroll, were you furloughed at any

PC: I offered to work for free during lockdown; to maintain the
facilities and ensure things would be ready for when we were given
the green light to return to play.

PHS: Covid did not have any effect on my workload, except for
the green I lost.

How did this affect you, both personally and at

PC: I was fortunate, as I still had my full-time Royal Mail job
during lockdown. The cricket ground is based on the Enville Estate,
who were keen to limit numbers during lockdown. I was one of only
two people allowed from the club onsite, whilst attempting to
ensure we were ready to go.

PHS: The only real effect was that the greens did not get played
on enough and I only played six times myself.

Farsley Celtic Football Club

Were you able to continue working on your
pitches/facility, even if it was just basic ‘grass

WM: We were able to work both on the pitch and in the clubhouse.
As a volunteer groundsman, I wasn’t furloughed by the club,
although I was furloughed from my full-time work. Personally it
effected me as I run my own business, so the uncertainty was a
worry. Being able to get onto my pitch with the mower and cut the
grass once or twice a week helped me stay positive.

MS: Yes. My full-time job allowed me to work from home, so I
managed to find time to regularly attend the venue – in an attempt
to keep on top of things during lockdown.

PC: Yes, but I didn’t have the usual volunteers from the club to

PHS: After communications from Bowls England and the clubs
wanting to commence play, things just carried on as normal. I
ensured that I was the only person at the club when I was up there

Other than the governmental restrictions in place at the
time, did your club/facility place additional restrictions on

WM: The gate was to be shut/padlocked whilst people were

MS: None. Although, some of the other helpers are generally
older members of the playing field committee and were reluctant to
attend during the early weeks of lockdown. This meant that I took
on responsibility for the whole playing field including hedges,
boundaries and our children’s play areas, as well as the cricket

JT: None.

PC: No restrictions as such; though managing budget and limiting
end of season work were discussed. That was until the grant money
came through.

PHS: The only ‘different’ thing was that I wore gloves when
visiting the club at all times and made sure I wiped things down
that I touched. Every time I went to Trumpington, I had to inform
them that I had been there so that they could inform the secretary.
The Club belongs to the Council and all their buildings were closed

Left: Cranfield United FC Right: Cambridge Bowls Club

Did club members/players offer any

WM: Some committee members and players offered assistance but,
with social distancing, it was difficult to involve everyone.

MS: Yes a bit. It’s a lot of work just to keep on top of the
surrounding grounds, although I prefer to do the pitches on my

JT: I was offered help by a couple of the club officials and

PC: Some of them would but, due to the location of the ground,
the Estate were keen to limit numbers onsite.

PHS: The clubs just left me to get on with things as normal.

Were you able to keep on top of things?

WM: Yes.

MS: Just about. I actually enjoyed the time; the weather was
good and I had no interruptions, so I could work to my own time
with no sport or other events to work around. The playing field and
playground were shut to the public, so I could come and go as I

JT: It was difficult, but working part-time enabled me to put
more hours in voluntarily to keep things under control.

PC: Yes, the ground was ready to go when the ECB gave the green
light in the summer that play could commence.

PHS: Despite what was going on in my private life, during
summer, I managed to keep on top of things.

What condition was your ground in once you were able to
return full-time?

MS: Pretty good. The pitches could have done with a bit more
pre-season rolling, but that is such a time consuming exercise that
the lack of helpers meant that we didn’t get as much done as usual.
Also, with the uncertainty of knowing when we would start, it made
it difficult to plan for the games.

PC: It was ready to go, though some of the extra rolling that is
usually put into the square had probably been missed.

PHS: I never walked away from the playing surfaces, because of
Covid, so they were kept in a good state.

Have any projects been put on hold as a result of
reduced income to your club/facility?

WM: Yes, new pitch side barriers and laying of artificial grass
in front of the dugouts. The pitch was in good condition (as the
season finished earlier than normal) and I was able to cut and
brush the pitch once/twice a week.

MS: The cost to maintain our equipment and for end of season
renovation is circa £5,000. Currently, we are hoping to get a small
grant from the ECB to help with some of these costs, as they will
use up all of our money. We had planned our bi-annual fundraiser –
which usually brings in this sort of money to keep the club
running. Obviously, it was cancelled, hence we will almost
definitely have a shortfall this season.

JT: We are struggling for funds because of Covid; no visitors
being the main issue. We have managed to Verti-drain our pitches
and a local company donated fertiliser. Our main machinery is old,
but we cannot invest at the current time.

PC: No.

PHS: The only thing that was put on hold was the green I lost
due to Covid, but they are saying that I might get it back at the
beginning of May 2021.

Left: Enville Cricket Club and Enville Athletic FC

Were you able to carry out end of season renovations
(summer sports)?

MS: Yes. Thankfully, we have a very good treasurer and she has
some reserves for a rainy day, so we were able to do a full
renovation as normal.

JT: Verti-draining, overseeding and fertiliser application.

PC: Yes; full renovations completed to the usual standard. Once
the funding came through from ECB/Sport England, the club were more
than happy to proceed.

PHS: All three greens I currently maintain had their autumn
renovation completed by the end of September.

Are you still planning a full renovation at the end of
the season (winter sports)?

MS: We are hoping to do more renovation of the winter pitches in
April/May 2021, but again it is subject to costs. We have a fairly
new team on the football side but, with some additional resources
now in place, we should be able to do more on the winter sports
than we have ever done before.

JT: Covid and fans not allowed into the ground have meant our
year has been disrupted and seen a reduction in cash flow,
therefore a full renovation will not be undertaken.

PC: Currently in discussion with the football club as to what we
can do.

PHS: I am still visiting the greens two or three times a

Farsley Celtic Football Club

Have you still been able to purchase sundries such as
fertiliser, topdressing, hire in machinery/contractors

MS: Yes. All equipment and contractors purchased and paid for
the 2020-2021 cricket square. We just need to get our machinery
serviced over winter.

JT: We have been able to hire in a Verti-drain and our
fertiliser was donated. The maintenance and upkeep is done by

PC: Yes, no problems – but it would have been a different
conversation without the grant money coming through.

PHS: I have still managed to get everything I want to complete
the work. The only trouble I have had is to pay the invoices.

Do your members/players understand the difficulties that
Covid-19 has presented?

WM: Yes. All players and staff are aware of the situation;
changing rooms/showers are not used, social distancing and table
service in the clubhouse. We were able to do mini reservations when
lockdown was over and we got hold of topdressing materials and

MS: Yes.

JT: In general, I believe the vast majority of the club’s staff,
volunteers, parents, players and coaches do understand the
difficulties associated with Covid in making the pitches

PC: Some do yes, but to a lot of people, I just cut the grass
and they don’t understand the effort that goes into maintaining the

PHS: Some members have understood things have not been the same
on the greens this year, whilst other people have said that their
green has not played so well. However, some of this is down to the
greens not getting played on so much.

Machinery at Cranfield United FC

Are you a member of your industry

WM: Yes the GMA.

MS: No, but I’m hoping to join as I am planning on doing some
online learning over the next couple of years.

JT: Yes. The GMA.

PC: I have previously been a member of the GMA but, this year, I
didn’t renew my membership, with everything that was going on with
the pandemic.


If so, have you called on them for help during this

WM: They gave us very good guidance on how to operate during

MS: Yes. I have been in touch with Phil Jeggo who was very

JT: Yes; through the GMA and a BBC Sport article, we highlighted
the problems volunteers have at the lower level of sport.

PHS: No, I have not called on them, but I have spoken to Ian
Darler BEM, from Cambridge United Football Club who has pointed me
in the right direction and given me advice on several

Do you feel they could they have done more?

WM: No, not really.

MS: No.

JT: No.

Cambridge Bowls Club – autumn renovations

What are your thoughts about Trade Shows over the next
twelve months?

WM: I feel it’s right for them not to go ahead! When we are able
to, I’m sure they will be bigger and better.

MS: As a volunteer, with a small budget, shows are probably not
something high on my priority list, albeit I do look at things
online a lot.

JT: As things are, I believe no gatherings including trade shows
can go ahead.

PC: I was looking forward to Saltex, but this has now been moved
back further. Always good to catch up with people, but everyone’s
heath comes first.

PHS: At this moment in time, I don’t think I will be going to
the Saltex show.

Have there been any positives arising from the current

WM: People are beginning to realise how important volunteers are
to sports facilities.

MS: Not that I can think of. Other than I got some quality time
at the cricket pitch all on my own and there is no better place I
would rather be.

JT: I started wanting to help my local club where I coach an
under 14’s boys’ team – the pitches were of poor quality and needed
improving. Through collaboration and social media, I have made
friends with local professional grounds people including Kiel
Barrett at Leeds United, sports pitch contractor Nick Hatfield and
Ryan Golding at Leeds Rhinos. They have all offered advice and help
whenever they can. These people need mentioning, as they are
sharing their experience and knowledge for the sake of good.

PC: I had a lot more time to spend with my kids at home.

Left: Elstow Cricket Club Right: Enville Cricket Club

Has your mental health suffered?

WM: Yes, I have questioned my mental health more.

MS: No; if anything it helped. I work for a large construction
company and do long hours; sometimes spending three to four hours
in the car each day on my commute. Working from home was a huge
relief from this and the time then spent at the club was really
relaxing and allowed me to refresh. It took all the normal pressure
of work/home/club balance away.

JT: I consider my mental health good and healthy. Being involved
in the maintenance of pitches is great for the mind; through

both exercise and being outdoors. I now offer the opportunity to
young people in school to come and taste what it is like to be a

PC: No.

PHS: My health has suffered only slightly, whereas it had a
major effect on my ex-partner, who I was living with.

How do you see the future panning out?

WM: My glass is always half full, so I would like to think that,
once this is all over, we can get back to how things used to be (or
as close as possible).

MS: Difficult to say, but I don’t see things getting back to
normal for a good couple of years. If we are lucky enough to have a
full season of fixtures next year, I will need some additional
help, as the volunteers seem to have disappeared. We run four adult
sides, one ladies team and five youth teams; some of these teams
have fixtures or training almost every day, so fitting in ground
works can be tricky.

JT: I want to gain more knowledge to improve the pitches I care
for. I have a strong passion to do this as a full-time job.

PC: The requirement to return to playing sport is key for all
clubs survival. The longer the restrictions stay in place, the
greater the negative impact will be on available funds to spend on

PHS: I cannot see bowls being back to any sort of normal until
the summer of 2022. I predict that people will be back on the
green, but reduced numbers.

Left: Enville Cricket Club Right: Cranfield United FC

Has this year deflated or encouraged you?

WM: One minute football’s back, then the next minute football’s
off again. Highs and lows all round I think.

MS: Encouraged. I love the work I do. We have some new equipment
and I can’t wait for the spring.

JT: Encouraged me to continue and do more.

PC: Encouraged; the facilities were ready to go without any

PHS: It’s just encouraged me to knuckle down and get on with

Thank you to all our panel

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