Home / Royal Mail / We can’t end ‘rape culture’ until we ban internet porn

We can’t end ‘rape culture’ until we ban internet porn

BOYS born this century are the first to grow up consuming a diet of internet porn and I suggest it is poisoning them.

Every boy? No, and those of us with our own sons will look at those sweet, sensitive lads and see no connection between them and the boys being exposed on the Everyone’s Invited website — all those spiteful creeps who have subjected thousands of teenage girls to every kind of sexual abuse imaginable.


We can’t end ‘rape culture’ until we ban internet pornCredit: Getty

But let’s not kid ourselves. Internet porn has had a catastrophic impact. 

It has produced far too many damaged boys who believe that unspeakable cruelty to girls is cool, normal and expected, that humiliating girls confers status. 

The Everyone’s Invited website has collected more than 13,000 personal testimonies from girls — and the victims are almost always girls — who have been subjected to abuse at the hands of boys their own age, from groping to sexual assault all the way up to rape. 

“Rape culture exists when thoughts, behaviours and attitudes in a society or environment have the effect of normalising and trivialising sexual violence,” says the home page of Everyone’s Invited. 

The term “rape culture” sounds horribly emotive. The idea that sexual abuse of girls is now standard behaviour in our schools seems scarcely credible.

But then you read the testimonies on Everyone’s Invited. 

And then you talk to your own teenage daughter. 

Rape culture is not hyperbole. Rape culture is a brutal statement of fact about the toxic culture of misogyny that now runs rampant. 

It points to a sickness in boys that did not exist in previous generations. Started by Soma Sara, 22, Everyone’s Invited has so far focused on abuse in many of the top private schools in the country. 

But anyone who thinks rape culture is confined to fee-paying schools is deluding themselves.

Sexual violence cuts across all class borders. 

If you were born before the millennium, then you did not grow up watching female debasement for light entertainment. But if you are a boy born this century, then you have almost certainly been bombarded with images of sexual violence. And it has done you damage. 

Snogging behind the bike shed just doesn’t cut it any more.

Not if you have grown up watching vile sex acts. 

Not if you think that sex requires women to be humiliated, beaten up and raped. 

How does any boy consume this poison for years and then form healthy relationships? 

At heart, teenage boys are no doubt pretty much the same as they always were — a cocktail of shyness and longing, all raging hormones and insecurities. 


The last thing any confused adolescent boy needs is to be endlessly told that degrading girls is the way to become a man. But that is where we are today.

And as the horror stories pile up, the shocked grown-ups cry that something must be done. 

A new helpline for victims, an Ofsted inquiry, a police task force to investigate allegations, police officers going into schools to lecture boys about “consent.”

All noble gestures. And all of them are like putting a sticking plaster on a decapitation. 

Boys are growing up being inundated with images of women being humiliated, degraded and abused.

What exactly did we think would happen? 

Internet porn is the malignant tumour that needs to be cut out of our society. At the very least, it must be kept far away from teenage — and younger — boys. 

Until that happens, our sons will be corrupted.

And our daughters will be made to suffer.

Amanda’s sitting pretty again as TV’s new Cilla

THIRTY years ago, a fresh-faced 19-year-old appeared on Blind Date.

“Hello, Cilla!” she beamed. “My name’s Amanda and I’m from London!”

A fresh-faced 19-year-old Amanda Holden on Blind Date


A fresh-faced 19-year-old Amanda Holden on Blind DateCredit: Rex Features
Now Amanda has finally got Cilla's job hosting a new Blind Date-style show


Now Amanda has finally got Cilla’s job hosting a new Blind Date-style showCredit: Rex Features

The studio audience went wild at this first sighting of Amanda Holden. She talked of wanting to date Jack Nicholson (in his fifties even back then) and then teased a fellow contestant called Barnaby about his love handles. But the excitement was seeing a star being born. Now Amanda has been confirmed as the host of a new Blind Date-style show. 

Finally getting Cilla’s job must be even better than a date with Jack Nicholson.

Fit Fury

TYSON Fury joshed that finding a venue and date for his rumble with Anthony Joshua was driving him to drink 12 pints a day.

But now the Gypsy King turns up looking fitter than he ever looked in his life.

Tyson Fury is looking fitter than ever


Tyson Fury is looking fitter than everCredit: The Sun

Must have been 12 pints of vegetable smoothie, Tyson.

Unions’ lack of class

THE teaching unions were very voluble about keeping their members safe during these difficult days. 

They are strangely more reticent about protecting the teacher at Batley Grammar School, who is currently in hiding after showing an image of the prophet Mohammed to a class during a discussion on blasphemy.

“He keeps breaking down crying and says that it’s all over for him,” says the teacher’s father. “He is worried that he and his family are all going to be killed.”

If ever a teacher needed support from his union, it is now.

Could the Corbynista comrades who run the teaching unions be any more gutless? 

Joe so soft on China 

THE floundering leaders of the free West are incapable of presenting a united front against Russia and China.

Desperate to avoid saving their people with the British Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, Merkel and Macron are grovelling before Putin for his Russian Sputnik V jab. 

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden was weirdly restrained in his criticism of a Chinese regime that is eroding democracy in Hong Kong, rounding up the Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang and ducking all responsibility for the greatest health emergency on the planet for over 100 years.

Drowsy Joe probably thinks that Mao Tse-Tung was not such a bad dude once you got to know him.

IF Labour lose the Hartlepool by-election to the Tories, will Sir Keir Starmer be avocado on toast?

We’re ready to fly

WILL we ever fly again? May 17 is pencilled in as the earliest date we will be allowed to resume foreign travel.

But suspicion lingers that the date will be pushed back further.

Life must begin again at some point


Life must begin again at some pointCredit: Getty Images

Meaning another long, hot summer passes us by. But how much longer can we afford NOT to fly? 

Around 250,000 people are directly employed by the aviation industry. It has an annual turnover of £60billion. 

And for millions of us, foreign travel is one of life’s great joys. 

The prospect of one day being free to travel is why we were so lockdown compliant for so long. 

Business leaders and 40 MPs have united to urge Boris to allow us to dust off the cobwebs from our passports. 

We are not a nation at the end of the Earth that can be locked away from the rest of the world for ever. We need to fly for our economic recovery. And for our sanity. 

With over 31million vaccinated against coronavirus, stopping us from mingling with the rest of the world is starting to feel bonkers. 

Life must begin again at some point. 

It is true that the EU’s cock-up of vaccination renders much of Europe out of bounds.

But new research suggests there are still more than 130 countries we could safely visit, “without increasing pressure on the NHS”. 

Until we get out our passports, we will still be waiting for Boris to deliver the Global Britain he keeps talking about. 

SOME people should be locked down for ever. I am thinking of the selfish souls who left parks, beaches and beauty spots looking like rubbish tips. 

Why is it so hard to pick up your own trash?

In Japan, primary school children spend 15 minutes at the end of the day using brooms, vacuums and cloths to spruce up their schools. And nobody litters in Japan. 

I don’t suppose there’s much chance of getting British primary school children to clean their schools. But getting British adults to take home their crap doesn’t seem like very much to ask.

We are finally making it out of a health epidemic.

Only to see our country blighted by an epidemic of stupidity.

I almost fell for the Royal Mail parcel scam


I almost fell for the Royal Mail parcel scamCredit: PA

THE two big scams doing the rounds are the recorded message informing you your National Insurance number has been blocked and the con telling you a Royal Mail parcel can’t be delivered until you fork out some cash. The National Insurance scam is easy to spot because the plummy old chap you hear sounds just like a resting actor.

But the Royal Mail scam fooled me, and I tried very hard to pay the phoney “outstanding fee”. The only thing that stopped me from getting scammed was that I tried to pay through the official Royal Mail website, where they had no idea what I was talking about. 

Who are all these scammers? 

And why aren’t they being nicked?

Pepe Le Pew cartoon accused of ‘adding to rape culture’ after Dr Seuss canceled over racism scandal

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