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Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

Friends who often discuss big subjects together could be on a shared success path when talk turns into action. Being part of a group that really cares about the world feels a perfect fit.

Couples have the chance to hit a hot streak working or starring as a duo.

Single? A local prize-winner can be a prize date.




April 21 to May 21

It is all about ambition for you as Mercury moves to your zone of personal achievement.

You have a clear view straight to the prize you need, at work or in love.

All you need is to take that next step. Your passion profile is always learning – and this includes admitting when you don’t understand or are unsure.


May 22 to June 21

The moon and Venus bond in your zone of everything that is natural and best about love, ending a time of pretending.

If you are in a couple, let yourself express all that is in your heart and lift a weight of doubt.

Single? Your ideal match can be someone you trust at first sight.

Luck waits near still water.


June 22 to July 22

Your zone of adjusting to unfamiliar worlds and waking up new skills is activated by Mercury, making you alert to opportunities that come your way, even unexpectedly.

At home, how you handle difficult conversations and decisions is an example to all.

Cash finds a middle way for two very different teams.


July 23 to August 23

As negotiator and mediator, you are the best in the zodiac. But as you bag great deals for others, be sure to include a little research.

A plan you were keeping on the back burner is ready to push forward.

Venus and the moon make a key love pact, diverting to a much more rewarding route for your future.

Most read in The Scottish Sun


August 24 to September 22

Maybe you resisted a powerful pull towards a certain country or career but it hasn’t been easy.

Now new information comes to light that means things are changing . . . and you can change too.

Passion-wise, maybe you assume talk of marriage or other big love moves is just chat. Get ready to be proved wrong.


September 23 to October 23

You have firm ideas about what security means for you but someone new who comes on to your horizon could turn these upside-down.

You will adore every moment, so keep your heart and mind open.

As Mercury adds logic and purpose to comedy or drama plans, you can get in touch with your “H” future.


October 24 to November 22

With love and communication in perfect harmony, words you may have stumbled over previously can flow freely and make their mark.

In a family, it might be better to rewind and start again because mixed messages from the past may be affecting your shared future.

Luck and cash wait behind a silver door.


November 23 to December 21

The more set you feel on a money route, the more you should question yourself, as mischief-maker Pluto may be messing with your mind and memory.

Run everything through properly before you act, making sure you tick every box.

In love, though, Venus is kind and clear. If you feel something, it is real.


December 22 to January 20

What a moment for romance, as the moon and Venus give you extra intensity and emotional truth!

Step through any barrier of time or space and say what you feel to bring back someone special.

This time, the pace of passion is set by you.

Lucky letters, words or numbers can come in duplicate sets.


January 21 to February 18

Daytime planning can lead to evening action as the moon gets ready to light your way, opening up opportunities to be your true self.

Take the time to work out what it is you most want next.

This can include going back in time or leaping forward on a work ladder.

Cash and “M” make a hot personal mix.


February 19 to March 20

With mind-master Mercury now settled in your chart of deep inner secrets, you are ready to put all your ambitions into words, not just easy ones.

The new energy in your chart for this new year is working well to help you.

You are a good friend and a great relative, turning cool distance into warm closeness.

ZODIAC SIGNS: What’s a star sign and how do I find mine?

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