Home / Royal Mail / Some stamps set to be unusable in major Royal Mail shake-up

Some stamps set to be unusable in major Royal Mail shake-up

Major changes to first and second class stamps are set to come into force in early-2023 that will make your current stamps unusable.

Following a trial by Royal Mail, all ‘everyday’ Definitive and Christmas stamps will have unique barcodes on them, coming into place in January next year.

These stamps are generally ones which are not marked with a monetary value, and the most common stamps you would affix to a letter or card.

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The Royal Mail has explained that each barcoded stamp will have a “digital twin” and the two will be connected by the Royal Mail app.

The new changes will help Royal Mail operate more efficiently as well as adding an extra level of security, the organisation said.

A spokesperson for the Royal Mail said: “The unique barcodes will facilitate operational efficiencies, enable the introduction of added security features and pave the way for innovative services for our customers.

“Definitive stamps are the stamps that will be very familiar to most people. They feature the profile of HM The Queen.

“The barcodes match the stamp colour and sit alongside the main body of the stamp, separated by a simulated perforation line.

“The new barcode is an integral part of the stamp and must remain intact for the stamp to be valid.”

The biggest consequence of these changes is that all current stamps now have an expiry date, meaning they will be unusable after January 31, 2023.

However, those who still have a significant amount of stamps and unlikely to use them prior to the cut-off date can swap them in a new scheme that Royal Mail are introducing.

The spokesperson added: “Customers are encouraged to use their non-barcoded stamps before this date.

The new first class stamp with a digital barcode

The new second class stamp with the digital barcode
The new second class stamp with the digital barcode

“Alternatively, non-barcoded stamps can be exchanged for the new barcoded version through Royal Mail’s ‘Swap Out’ scheme.

“The ‘Swap Out’ scheme will open on March 31, 2022. Forms will be available via a variety of channels, including local Customer Service Points; the Royal Mail website and via our Customer Experience team.

“Customers will be able to use a Freepost address. Further details will be announced shortly.”

However, some organisations are concerned the changes will cause difficulties for some members of the public.

Malcom Booth, chief executive of the National Federation of Occupational Pensioners, said it would make life “most difficult” for the elderly and vulnerable, LeicestershireLive reported last week.

He said: “Stopping people ­using normal stamps and making them pay to receive post will cause disruption”.

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