Home / Royal Mail / William and Kate pledge to ‘stand with’ people of Ukraine after Russian invasion

William and Kate pledge to ‘stand with’ people of Ukraine after Russian invasion

Prince William and his wife Kate have told of their support for the Ukrainian people.

The royal couple have posted a tweet, which they have personally signed, saying they ‘stand by’ the Ukrainian president, reports The Mirror.

They met the president Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena in 2020 at Buckingham Palace – the first royal engagement to be held there in seven months as a result of the covid pandemic.

Today, in their message posted on Twitter, they said: “In October 2020 we had the privilege to meet President Zelenskyy and the First Lady to learn of their hope and optimism for Ukraine’s future.

“Today we stand with the President and all of Ukraine’s people as they bravely fight for that future.”

The couple’s statement comes after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle also said they stood with the people of Ukraine.

Their message, shared on their Archewell website two days ago, reads: “Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and all of us at Archewell stand with the people of Ukraine against this breach of international and humanitarian law and encourage the global community and its leaders to do the same.”

Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, Feb 24.

On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the battle had claimed the lives of 137 Ukraines and injured over 300 more.

But by the end of the day Ukrainian officials claim their forces had inflicted a death toll over 10 times that on the Russian troops.

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