Home / Royal Mail / Royal Navy’s biggest-ever warship that sends ‘defiant message’ spotted off British coast

Royal Navy’s biggest-ever warship that sends ‘defiant message’ spotted off British coast

The Royal Navy’s biggest warship has been spotted off the south coast of England. Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth – built to send a message of “defiance to those who would do us harm” – is supported by around 3,700 personnel when operating at full capacity.

The ship was seen off the Plymouth Sound in Devon. It is currently on a seven-month deployment, The Express reports.

HMS Queen Elizabeth is the Fleet Flagship of the Navy, a status it inherited from HMS Ocean, previously the force’s most prestigious vessel. It is able to carry as many as 40 aircraft.

The Navy confirmed the aircraft carrier is in Devon as part of an exercise. On Twitter, HMS Queen Elizabeth said: “Over the next few weeks we will be working and training hard to ensure we remain #GlobalModernReady.”

HMS Queen Elizabeth departed Portsmouth in March. The Royal Navy said the ship is an “investment in Britain’s security, prosperity and place in the world, providing a conspicuous presence on the global stage, sending a clear message of reassurance to our allies, and of defiance to those who would do us harm”.

After leaving Portsmouth it then visited the Clyde in Scotland and its present deployment includes training exercises off Plymouth. When operating at full capacity, the vessel is supported by eight other ships, a submarine, five air squadrons and some 3,700 personnel.

In 2021, the warship embarked on her maiden voyage, including South Korea and India. The 28-week deployment involved the ship and its crew visiting a number of locations.

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