Home / Royal Mail / Family heartbroken after pet cat Jasper is poisoned by antifreeze

Family heartbroken after pet cat Jasper is poisoned by antifreeze

A family was left heartbroken after having to watch their beloved pet suffer after he had ingested antifreeze. Rescue cat Jasper had been living with Lisa Hill, 41, and her family in Derbyshire since March 2022.

Jasper and his sister Elsa were rehomed by the family when they were only nine months old kittens. The pair were Lisa’s four-year-old daughter’s first ever pets.

Earlier this month, Jasper stopped eating his food so the family become worried and by the afternoon, the kitten wasn’t able to walk properly. Lisa said: “We took him to the vet on Thursday and by Friday we had to make the decision to put him to sleep.

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“The vet took one look and she had already suspected he had been poisoned”. Tests were run on Jasper and his kidneys were described as “glowing very brightly”, a side effect which led to the conclusion that he had antifreeze in his system.

The coloured liquid helps regulate drivers’ engines during extreme temperatures. The liquid is also very toxic to animals, especially cats.

The RSPCA states that even the smallest amount of antifreeze can cause kidney failure and death. After Jasper’s diagnosis, Lisa and her family from South Normanton made the heart-breaking decision to put him to sleep to stop his suffering.

Lisa said: “It is such a tragic way for it to happen, having to watch a cat become that poorly so quickly, reports DerbyshireLive. The antifreeze caused irreversible damage and we made the decision to put our handsome boy to sleep.”

Accidental poisoning from antifreeze spills and leaks happen each year, but Lisa believes her cat may have been the victim of an intentional poisoning. According to the RSPCA if proven, poisoning cats can constitute a criminal offence under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, the maximum penalty for anyone found guilty is up to 6 months imprisonment and/or a £20,000 fine.

“I know cats can be annoying, going to the loo in people’s gardens, but it is almost like people that do it (poison cats) don’t think about the effect on owners. This has left another cat who is lost now,” said Lisa.

It is also said that cats like the taste of antifreeze. Lisa has questioned whether the companies that make antifreeze could put something in the solution which is unpleasant to cats, she said: “The bottles antifreeze comes in are very secure, is there nothing they can do to make it taste bad to cats.”

The below information is from the RSPCA:

Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning

Signs of antifreeze poisoning can show 30 minutes after they’ve eaten it. It can be two or three days before you notice signs of kidney failure.

Symptoms to look out for are:

  • Vomiting
  • Seeming depressed/sleepy
  • Appearing drunk and uncoordinated
  • Seizures (fits)
  • Difficulty breathing

The sooner your pet receives veterinary treatment, the better their chances of survival. If left untreated, antifreeze poisoning can cause pain, suffering, distress and ultimately death.

Protecting your pets from antifreeze

Pets die every year from accidental poisonings from antifreeze spills and leaks, as well as from leaking water coolant from cars, but most of these deaths are avoidable. To keep your cat safe, check your car regularly to make sure it isn’t leaking water coolant, and be careful with storing, using and disposing of antifreeze and water coolant.


  • Keep antifreeze in clearly labelled, robust, sealed containers, away from pets and their environment.
  • Clean up spills immediately, no matter how small. Ensure your pets can’t access the area until it’s clean and safe.
  • Always dispose of antifreeze and water coolant safely and responsibly – contact your local authority for advice

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