Home / Royal Mail / Missing youngsters Spencer and Isaac safe after being spotted by Sheffield Sparkle autism charity boss

Missing youngsters Spencer and Isaac safe after being spotted by Sheffield Sparkle autism charity boss

The youngsters, who had been named as Spencer and Isaac, were spotted this morning by the autism charity Sparkle Sheffield’s chief exective, Leesha Dusauzay, who alerted Sheffield human rights campaigner and Sparkle supporter Chrissy Meleady, who helped keep them busy until family members arrived.

Sparkle Sheffield tweeted: “The Autistic community, the Sheffield general public, shops, taxis, just eat services, Royal Mail personnel on deliveries, Amazon drivers,University students, door personnel on pubs and clubs Sheffield Newspapers, BBC Radio Sheffield and everyone in Sparkle Sheffield and Autism Union, bus station staff, train station staff, tram staff, have all been magnificent…helping us to find these vulnerable boys.

“Thank you to SY Police Service also for their commitment and efforts in this search too. Their families are so extremely grateful.”

Two vulnerable youngsters who went missing from their Sheffield homes have been found safe and well. They were spotted by Leesha Dusauzay, from the Sheffield autism charity Sparkle Sheffield

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