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Winter of Discontent 2022: Which services and sectors are striking?


round 100,000 civil servants have voted to go on strike, joining nurses, rail workers, university staff and potentially teachers in industrial action that threatens to cripple public services in the coming weeks.

Workers represented by the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union, backed industrial action in strike ballots called over pay, pensions, jobs and redundancy terms.

The PCS said on Thursday 100,000 of its members had backed strikes with an average vote of 86%, describing it as the highest vote in its history.

Union members voting for action work in areas including Government departments such as the Home Office and DWP, DVLA as well as ports, airports and coastguards.

Officials from trade unions are to meet next week to discuss co-ordinated action in the disputes including in the NHS, railways, Royal Mail, BT, universities and education.

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A strike by Tube workers in London caused travel chaos with many Tube services closed on Thursday.

Jeremy Selwyn

Members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union and Unite are involved in a long-running dispute over jobs and pensions, despite 11th-hour assurances from Mayor Sadiq Khan.

It was the sixth Underground strike this year, resulting in a huge blow to the economy and leaving thousands crowding onto buses or stuck in traffic.

The walkouts are among a series of industrial actions set to cause chaos in coming months.

Here are some of the disputes which have led to strikes or ballots for action:

– RMT and Unite members on London Underground went on strike today – November 10 – in a dispute over pay and pensions.

– Members of the Communication Workers Union at Royal Mail will strike on November 30 and December 1 in an increasingly bitter row over pay, jobs and conditions.

– NHS: Members of the Royal College of Nursing have voted in favour of industrial action over pay in the first national ballot in the union’s 106-year history.

– Unison is balloting hundreds of thousands of its NHS members for industrial action over pay, with the result due at the end of November.

– The GMB is balloting thousands of ambulance workers for strikes, with results also due later this month.

– Physiotherapists and midwives are also being asked if they want to take industrial action.

– More than 70,000 university staff at 150 universities are to strike on November 24, 25 and 30 after the University and College Union announced its members had overwhelmingly voted in favour of action.

– Members of the Fire Brigades Union are being urged to reject a 5% pay offer in a current ballot.

– Almost 1,000 bus drivers in London employed by Abellio are to stage 10 days of strike action in the coming weeks over pay, their union Unite has announced.

– The Public and Commercial Services union announced that 100,000 civil servants have voted for strike action over pay, pensions, jobs and redundancy terms.

– PCS leaders will meet next week to decide whether to announce strike dates.

– Train drivers in 12 companies will strike on November 26 in their long running dispute over pay, their union Aslef announced.

– Train drivers at LNER will stop working non contractual overtime from November 27 in a dispute over terms and conditions.

– Teachers are being balloted on strikes over pay, with the result due in the new year.

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