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Astrologer shares ‘most loved’ zodiac sign

Western astrology is represented by 12 zodiac signs, all with different personalities and characteristics. Astrologer Susan Taylor shared which of the signs is the most likeable, and which sign others would rather steer clear of.

According to astrologer Susan Taylor for My Astro Fame, Leo is the “most loved” of all the star signs.

In fact, the Leo personality is “impossible not to love” and other signs are totally drawn to them.

Leo’s best character traits are their “optimism, kindness and energy” and for this reason they are a “breath of fresh air” to be around.

Leo is also a super “fun” sign who guarantees a good time when you are with them.

After Leo, the second “most loved” zodiac sign is Sagittarius, who is a “pleasure to be around”.

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According to the astrologer, this sign is particularly funny and will have their companions in stitches whenever possible.

According to the astrologer, Pisces’ “selflessness” makes them rank at number three for “most loved” signs.

Pisces thinks about others before themselves and for this they are “inspirational”.

This “sociable” sign loves to be around others and, in turn, others love to be around them.

Aries is the next “most loved”, with the astrologer claiming this popular sign “has hundreds of friends”.

Popular Aries has no trouble relating to people and forming connections, and while they may have a “tough exterior”, they are super “loving” and “understanding” underneath.

Their energy is also very positive which encourages others to “gravitate” towards them in their masses.

Gemini is the fifth “most loved” sign because they promise “adventure” and always deliver.

This vivacious sign is always up for anything and can turn a boring event into an exciting one in minutes.

Next up is Libra, who has probably never had a brush with being unpopular, according to the astrologer.

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And this is a good thing as “popular” Libra is very concerned with being “liked and admired”.

The seventh “most loved” zodiac sign is Aquarius, as they seem to have a “magnetic” personality.

Eighth is Taurus, who isn’t too “worried about how other people perceive them” but can totally “captivate a room”.

According to the astrologer Cancer is the ninth “most loved”, as they are not ones for “keeping up appearances”.

Cancer will select a handful of friends carefully and keep them close forever.

Capricorn isn’t fussed about being popular and sits in 10th place when it comes to “most loved”, according to Susan.

Instead, this sign would rather focus on their work and success in this field.

Virgo can come across as “unlikeable” because this sign will say it like it is – “no matter how mean it can be perceived”.

Finally, according to this astrologer Scorpio is the “least loved” of all 12 zodiac signs, as they “hate” the thought of meaningless socialising and “fake” laughing at others stories.

If a Scorpio has selected you as their friend, count yourself “lucky”, as they are particularly picky and only have “really intense friendships and relationships”.

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