Home / Royal Mail / Beautiful and minimalist new postage stamp celebrating concrete in architecture uses cement pigment

Beautiful and minimalist new postage stamp celebrating concrete in architecture uses cement pigment

Swiss Post completes its “Commitment to Art” series with this new postage stamp in honor of concrete in architecture. The stamp even uses cement pigment in the printing process. The “Art in Architecture” series also includes a stamp made from canvas and another that uses chlorophyll in the ink. More on the concrete stamp:

To give the concrete wall depicted in the design a tactile dimension, cement pigments were added to the ultra-matt finish. Why concrete as a symbol? This is a material that plays an important role in the history of architecture. Concrete helped art, previously seen by most people as decorative, to attain its independence as an art form. As a stamp design, the symbolic concrete wall represents an artistic pillar that characterizes Swiss Post buildings throughout Switzerland.

(via Kottke)

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