Home / Post Office / Amazon Is the Post Office’s Best Friend, No Matter What Trump Tweets – Gizmodo

Amazon Is the Post Office’s Best Friend, No Matter What Trump Tweets – Gizmodo


Amazon Is the Post Office's Best Friend, No Matter What Trump Tweets
None of what's in these tweets is true, although the Washington Post mention is telling. The part about “our money losing Post Office”is sort of true, but it has nothing to do with Amazon. In 2017, the United States Postal Service lost $2.7 billion
Trump bashes Amazon for a fourth time in a week, claiming the post office loses 'massive amounts' serving internet …CNBC
Trump says US post office delivers Amazon packages 'very below cost'New York Post
Trump says a new report backs up his beef with Amazon's Post Office deal — here's why he's wrongBusiness Insider
Forbes –PolitiFact –SEC.gov –Zacks
all 1,553 news articles »

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