Home / Royal Mail / Amazon’s expansion in Knoxville threatens jobs and livelihoods of rural carriers

Amazon’s expansion in Knoxville threatens jobs and livelihoods of rural carriers

A US Postal Service letter carrier delivers mail in Atlanta. [AP Photo/David Goldman]

Amazon’s expansion of its delivery network into rural areas is replacing the United States Postal Service (USPS) as its last mile delivery service and threatening the livelihoods of rural carriers.

The e-commerce giant has extended its reach into smaller markets and rural areas, a move that has significant economic implications for rural carriers and raises serious questions about the future of the USPS, particularly in light of President Trump’s renewed efforts to privatize the agency in his second term.

Amazon has significantly expanded its delivery network, particularly through the proliferation of its delivery stations, which operate like local post offices for Amazon packages. This is part of the company’s larger strategy to take more control over its package delivery process, reducing its reliance on the USPS, which has been raising rates and cutting back on pickups in some regions.

Delivery stations were introduced into Amazon’s logistics network in 2018. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 accelerated the expansion of the stations to meet the demand caused by the increased reliance on online shopping.

In 2020, the number of Amazon delivery stations in the US surged 71 percent to 278 in just a year. According to MWPVL, a logistics consulting firm, the current number of delivery stations is 728 with an additional 104 planned to open this year.

The opening of a new Amazon delivery station in Knoxville, Tennessee last fall serves as a warning of the impact that Amazon’s expansion will have on USPS rural carriers. Workers contacted by the World Socialist Web Site reported that they have seen over a 70 percent drop in the number of packages they are delivering.

A rural carrier in a suburb of Knoxville and member of the USPS Rank and File Committee from Tennessee told the World Socialist Web Site: “I went from delivering 250-300 packages per day to now between 60-90 per day. I would assume on the next evaluation adjustment I will be losing my day off and probably $15-20k a year. Most of us are looking for another job in addition because we won’t make enough.”

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