Home / Royal Mail / April 26 – Royal Oak Nature Society Dinner Annual Soiree

April 26 – Royal Oak Nature Society Dinner Annual Soiree

April 26 – Royal Oak Nature Society Dinner Annual Soiree

PURPOSE: To have the funds needed to protect, maintain, and improve 50 acres of nature preserves (Royal Oak’s Cummingston Park & Tenhave Woods).

WHEN: Wednesday, April 26, 2023

WHERE: Royal Oak Farmers Market (11 Mile Rd, & Troy St.)

TIME: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

COST: $10/person in advance & $15/person at the door


Make a check out ($10/person). Make payable to the “Royal Oak Nature Society.” Write “Tickets” in the memo section of the check. Mail it to: Royal Oak Nature Society, 1600 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, MI 48067.

Ticket(s) will be waiting for you at the door. If you include your email address, we will confirm that your ticket(s) will be waiting for you at Will Call.


Please link on to https://www.romi.gov/1383/Nature-Society, then click on the “Donate” button. Enter the amount ($10/person). Follow the instructions. Where it says, “add special instructions to seller,” please type “Fundraiser Ticket(s)” and then fill out the rest. We will confirm by email that that your tickets will be waiting for you at Will Call.

EVENT DETAILS: There will be a silent & live auction with about 140 interesting items to bid on and a 50/50 raffle. There will be light refreshments plus a non-alcoholic cash bar. Light refreshments include pizza bites, chicken bites, desserts, and pastries.

VOLUNTEERS: We could use your help from 6 to 10 pm. If you think that you might be interested, please contact us at (naturesociety@romi.gov). Ticket(s) will be waiting for you at the door. If you volunteer, you will get a free fundraiser ticket.

CASH DONATIONS TO COVER EXPENSES: If you are interested in helping us with expenses:

Make a check payable to the “Royal Oak Nature Society.” Write “Expenses” in the memo section of the check. Mail it to: Royal Oak Nature Society, 1600 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, MI, 48067. Ticket(s) will be waiting for you at the door.

To pay by credit card or PayPal, please link onto https://www.romi.gov/1383/Nature-Society, then click on the “Donate” button. Enter the amount you want to donate Follow the instructions. Where it says, “add special instructions to seller,” please type “Expenses” and then fill out the rest.

If you donate cash, you will get a free fundraiser ticket for every $25 that you donate.

AUCTION ITEMS/SPONSORSHIPS: Please contact us (naturesociety@romi.gov) if you know of a business that might be interested in donating something (item, gift certificate, etc.) that can be used for our silent auction, or if you know someone who might be interested in being a fundraiser sponsor ($100).


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