Home / Royal Mail / Are you ready for the upcoming General Election 2024?

Are you ready for the upcoming General Election 2024?

Residents of the Horsham and Arundel and South Downs constituencies are being reminded to register to vote in the run up to the UK Parliamentary General Election on Thursday 4 July 2024.

It only takes 5 minutes to register online. The deadline to register to vote for the General Election on 4 July is 18 June.

Please note you will need your National Insurance Number. You must re-register every time you move address.

If you are voting in person, you will also need to show an accepted form of photographic ID at your polling station.
Electors who are unable to vote at the polling station can apply for a postal vote or appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf.

You can apply online for a postal vote. The deadline to apply for a postal vote for the General Election on 4 July is 5pm on 19 June.

You can apply online for a proxy vote. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote for the General Election on 4 July is 5pm on 26 June.

Alternatively, email us your name and address and state that you wish to vote this way and we will send you an application form. You can learn more about postal and proxy voting, and/or apply for a postal or proxy application online.

The law around handing in postal votes has changed and this means that anyone visiting Horsham District Council offices or a polling station in person to hand in a postal vote will need to sign a declaration form. As a result of this, people are asked not to post votes through the Council’s letterbox, because the law states that they cannot be accepted.

Instead, voters will need to bring them in to the Council’s reception desk where they will be asked to sign a form to confirm that the vote has been received. However, if someone posts their form to the Council by Royal Mail, a signed declaration form is not required.

Election results will be available to view from 5 July.

For further information, please visit our website or call 01403 215126.

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