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The curse of the Windsors’ four ‘problem women’. A royal author reveals the surprising traits that unite the women who’ve rocked the monarchy to its foundations – and have themselves been by shattered by it

The bridesmaid walked by, bringing up the rear behind the little ones. It was the youngest Spencer. What was her name, again?  The Queen Mother thought hard. She was sure Charles had mentioned her, briefly. Some Althorp shooting weekend.  As she passed, the girl turned her head. Just a sideways …

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Is this the wackiest royal wedding ever? Norway’s Princess Martha Louise will marry bisexual American Shaman Durek in a Fjord with a ‘sexy and cool’ dress code, ‘Latin American’ party and boat trip for all guests

Princess Martha of Norway and her fiancé Durek Verrett are set to get married in less than two weeks time and it seems they’re striving to offer their guests a memorable experience. The wedding, which is on Saturday 31 August, is expected to be attended by other foreign royal families, …

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