Boris’s Britain
THE blueprint for our future unveiled by Boris Johnson is a blizzard of good ideas. If he pulls them off — a big if, of course — he would transform our country.
His ten-year plan aims to make Labour, crushed at last week’s election, irrelevant at the next.
The policies of his reborn Tory Party are both centre-right and centre-left, like the electorate that voted them in.
So while the PM will hammer the destructive rail unions, forcing them to keep trains running during a strike, he also plans a huge boost to workers’ rights, especially in the gig economy.
There are harsher sentences for terrorists and new laws to prosecute them for attacks abroad.
Alongside those, a revolution in the rights of renters mistreated by dodgy landlords.
There will be an end to prosecutions of veterans from the Troubles. More money for schools. A massive annual NHS cash boost, set in law, and an invitation to opposition parties to help devise an agreed social care strategy if they are mature enough to take part.
Simpler planning laws will make developments quicker to build. We question if that will be enough for the millions of homes we need, but let’s see.
There will be legally binding targets on air quality and emissions, to achieve “net zero” by 2050. And of course there will be Brexit on January 31 and a new points-based immigration system that takes back control, as advertised.
Boris is parking his tanks on Labour’s turf as he repays voters’ trust. His chief aim: “To unite and spread opportunity to every corner of our United Kingdom.”
Yet Labour and the Lib Dems still lazily demonise the Tories as “hard-right”. It is a conceit, a false premise. On polling day it persuaded the few, not the many . . . but still they persist with it.
In doing so, Corbyn insults 14million Tory voters too, voters Labour needs to win, not alienate. His successor needs a strategy beyond juvenile name-calling.
We are witnessing the birth of a radical Government committed to massive change, including in Whitehall, and with the power to achieve it. We trust Boris will not repeat Tony Blair’s mistake after 1997 when so little got done.
Millions voted to leave the EU in 2016 hoping their lives would improve. It was an ultimatum to the governing elite that it could not ignore them any longer.
Looks like it has finally worked.
First-class idea
ONE Sun-friendly announcement was missing. Where are our Brexit stamps?
We now know for sure we’re leaving on January 31. That will be two years since snooty Royal Mail chiefs refused to commemorate Brexit because it wouldn’t be an “important anniversary”.
It was rubbish then. And it’s even less tenable now Boris has romped home in a Brexit election.
Haul the Royal Mail in, PM. Let’s print those stamps for this historic moment.