Home / Royal Mail / Bradford college joins dozens of others in signing ‘Dying to work’ charter

Bradford college joins dozens of others in signing ‘Dying to work’ charter

A YORKSHIRE college is one of the latest employers to sign a TUC charter aimed at protecting workers suffering a terminal illness.

The “Dying to Work” charter is part of the trade-union organisation’s campaign to win greater security for terminally ill workers so that they cannot be dismissed as a result of their condition.

Bradford College in west Yorkshire signed the charter on Wednesday, joining employers such as Rolls Royce, Royal Mail and the Co-op.

TUC Yorkshire and the Humber regional secretary Bill Adams said: “Your job should be the least of your worries when you get a terminal diagnosis.

“I’m delighted that Bradford College has shown real leadership in this area, working with unions to guarantee fair treatment for terminally ill workers.

“Over a million workers are now covered by the Dying to Work charter across the country, and we expect more employers to commit in the coming months.”

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