Home / Royal Mail / Britain’s capitalist class will do all it can to stop Corbyn becoming PM, Communist Party warns

Britain’s capitalist class will do all it can to stop Corbyn becoming PM, Communist Party warns

LABOUR is gaining ground in the general election as its economic and social policies chime in with the needs and aspirations of the masses, the Communist Party (CP) has said.

However, CP London district secretary Steve Johnson warned that Britain’s ruling class and its supposedly “liberal” intelligentsia would pull out all the stops to prevent Jeremy Corbyn entering 10 Downing Street.

“The forces of reaction understand that Labour’s left-wing leadership and its policies represent a threat to the wealth, power and privilege of the super-rich elite and their system,” he told the party’s political committee last night.

“People have had enough of austerity, insecurity and privatisation and want substantial new investment in public services, productive industry and decently paid jobs.

“Only a left-led Labour government will be genuinely committed to a bold alternative to Tory policies which serve the interests of the rich and big business.

“This should include the repeal of anti-union laws that have enabled the High Court to outlaw industrial action in the Royal Mail, despite the almost unanimous ballots by postal and communications workers for a strike.”

A Labour victory is possible, Mr Johnson argued, but this would only come about if the labour movement stepped up its grassroots campaigning in workplaces and local communities.

He urged a Labour vote in every constituency, including Derby North despite the “outrageous” suspension of “excellent” sitting MP Chris Williamson, whose decision to stand an independent socialist could allow the Tories to take the highly marginal seat. 

“Labour’s domestic policies are vote-winners, but the party’s anti-Brexit fanatics are alienating working-class support in many Labour-held seats,” he added.

“And they are making it almost impossible to win over the many pro-Brexit Tory marginals that are needed to secure a Labour victory.”

Mr Johnson pointed out that it was not too late for Labour to exclude an anti-democratic, divisive and rigged second EU referendum from its general election manifesto due to be finalised this coming weekend.

As for the Lib Dem, Green Party and Plaid Cymru anti-Brexit alliance, this was also an “anti-socialist, anti-Labour pact which could condemn millions of low-paid, unemployed, disabled and poor people to yet more years of cuts, discrimination and despair.”

The CP political committee also condemned the coup in Bolivia mounted by violent, racist elements and the police and security forces against President Evo Morales, noting that it resembles US and EU-backed strategies to overthrow elected anti-imperialist governments in Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Britain’s communists also called for a big turnout on Saturday December 4 for the No to Trump, No to Nato march from London’s Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace, where Nato and EU leaders will be wined and dined by the Queen at public expense.

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