Home / Royal Mail / Camilla pulls a Kate, dons an affordable (mail-order) dress – msnbc.com (blog)

Camilla pulls a Kate, dons an affordable (mail-order) dress – msnbc.com (blog)

msnbc.com (blog)

Camilla pulls a Kate, dons an affordable (mail-order) dress
msnbc.com (blog)
28. By Rachel Elbaum Duchess Kate is not the only royal who shops for affordable fashion these days. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the wife of Prince Charles, wore a mail-order dress earlier this week to a reception at her home, Clarence House.
Kate Middleton Style: Duchess Wears Italian Blue Dress Coat, Daffodils for Tea International Business Times
Duchess Kate takes tea with queen, Duchess CamillaUSA TODAY
Duchess of Cornwall wears £129 mail order dress to Clarence House receptionDaily Mail
Express.co.uk –Telegraph.co.uk –Uinterview.com
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