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Royal Mail

New Star Wars stamps from the Royal Mail – Boing Boing

Boing Boing New Star Wars stamps from the Royal MailBoing BoingThe UK's Royal Mail is issuing a new series of Star Wars postage stamps to celebrate the December release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. "Beautifully illustrated by UK digital artist, Malcolm Tween, some of the stamps feature secret details, …

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Why privatised Royal Mail workers could launch biggest strike action under draconian Tory union laws – Mirror.co.uk

Mirror.co.uk Why privatised Royal Mail workers could launch biggest strike action under draconian Tory union lawsMirror.co.ukOn Thursday next week, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) will be balloting over 100,000 postal workers for industrial action in Royal Mail Group. This will be the first national call to action since Royal Mail …

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