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Royal Mail

Petition fights Royal Mail privatisation – Yorkshire Post

Yorkshire Post Petition fights Royal Mail privatisationYorkshire PostA 160,000-NAME petition against the Government's controversial plan to privatise the Royal Mail has been handed in to Downing Street, showing the “strong opposition” across the country. More than 120,000 of the names have been collected by Exeter … More: continued here

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Dead people’s identities used in Royal Mail anti-privatisation campaign – Telegraph.co.uk

Telegraph.co.uk Dead people's identities used in Royal Mail anti-privatisation campaignTelegraph.co.ukSave our Royal Mail, which is supported and funded by the Communication Workers Union, has confirmed that it has been distributing the postcards. The group said last night they were “disappointed” by the revelations, adding that they had distributed … More: …

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Royal Mail IPO ‘imminent’ – Financial News

Royal Mail IPO 'imminent'Financial NewsA spokeswoman for the UK's Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – said the "government has made it clear that it intends to conduct a sale of Royal Mail during this financial year. Beyond that, no decision has been made about the specific timing.and more » More: …

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