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Royal Mail

Post office closures cause half-hour waits – Telegraph.co.uk

Hell Mail Post office closures cause half-hour waitsTelegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom –2 hours agoThe Royal Mail insists that a customer waits four minutes and 48 seconds on average. But an analysis of 363 branches undertaken by Postwatch, the consumer …Don't ignore feelings over post office closuresTelegraph.co.ukall 6 news articles More: continued here

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Postal Workers – Is Theft On The Increase? – Hell Mail

Hell Mail Postal Workers – Is Theft On The Increase?Hell Mail, UK –2 hours agoThere are some months when I read of five or more that have been investigated by Royal Mail. I raised this with Postwatch some time ago and whilst there …North Essex 'has worst postal service'East Anglian Daily TimesSheffield …

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'First-class' delivery leaves a lot to be desired – Shoreham Today

expressandstar.com 'First-class' delivery leaves a lot to be desiredShoreham Today, UK –5 hours agoI WAS intrigued to see Councillor Coomber's praise for the Royal Mail in last week's Herald (Your Views, page 20). I wish the reliability of distribution he …Many first class letters fail to arrive on timeShropshire StarFifth of letters …

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