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Stamps Go Hog Wild – Discover Foothills

Stamps Go Hog WildDiscover Foothills, Canada –5 minutes agoThe Stamps who had the #3 pick overall traded up with the Eskimos for the #2 pick and grabbed o-lineman Dimitri Tsoumpas from Weber State. … More: continued here

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Stamps to rise a penny May 12 – Chicago Sun-Times

WKTV Stamps to rise a penny May 12Chicago Sun-Times, United States –3 hours agoBY FRANCINE KNOWLES With the cost of a first-class stamp set to rise a penny to 42 cents May 12, the clock is ticking on buying the "forever" stamps at the …'Forever' stamps selling briskly in advance of price …

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Elvis is Also King of US Stamps – About – News & Issues

Elvis is Also King of US StampsAbout – News & Issues, NY –3 hours agoIndicating the increasing popularity of collecting modern stamp issues, Postmaster General John E. Potter announced yesterday that three sets of stamps…USPS Unveils 50s Classic Car StampsAbout – News & Issuesall 2 news articles More: continued here

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Art news in brief – Tehran Times

Art news in briefTehran Times, Iran –2 hours agoTEHRAN — A series of postage stamps issued in commemoration of National Council Day on April 30 will be dispatched to 32 countries. … More: continued here

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