Residents have been complaining for some time over blocked access to disabled people and pushchairs when trying to collect undelivered mail from the depot in Clarke Road.
A resident contacted us after experiencing the situation first-hand when attempting to access the facility this week.

The small unit deals with undelivered mail. Having received a red card when you’re out, this is where you go to collect that mail about 24 hours later. Car parking has always been very tight, with delivery vans and staff cars all using a tiny area.
Cars, believed to be staff members’ vehicles were parked in such a way that wheelchairs and pushchairs cannot pass them to get to the collection counter office.
The lady told us:
‘I have complained about this numerous times over the past few years and nothing has been done.
‘The staff on the desk have said that numerous people complain and the management do not act.
‘Sadly, I feel that I have had to escalate this issue to protect the rights of those that require wheelchair access to the building or those pushing a pram/pushchair.
‘I hope that the Royal Mail will take action finally and ensure that going forward the rights of those that require ramped access are looked after’.
Indeed, two complaints going back to 2016 were presented.
We took this case up with Royal Mail who have guaranteed to contact the resident and work toward a quick and effective solution.
A Royal Mail spokesperson said: “We make every effort to ensure our Customer Service Points are accessible to all of our customers and are concerned to hear of this issue.
‘We have contacted our team in Nottingham South Delivery Office to ensure this is resolved, and will also be contacting the customer directly to discuss with her the actions we have taken.”
Have you experienced similar issues with the depot?
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