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Corgi owners pay tribute to late Queen with parade

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Roxanne The Obese Dog Gets Slimming By Swimming!

Roxanne The Obese Dog Gets Slimming By Swimming! A ‘morbidly obese’ rescue dog named Roxanne has shed almost half of her body weight after learning to swim. Eight-year-old Staffie cross Roxanne arrived at the RSPCA’s Crewe, Nantwich & District branch, in Cheshire, in October 2021. She weighed 38.5kg and could barely walk without getting out of breath. The team put Roxanne on a restricted diet and started an exercise plan to gently improve her mobility and help her get healthier again. She started hydrotherapy as swimming allows her to move freely, use her muscles but avoid putting pressure on her joints although she doesn’t need to lose any further weight, she’ll continue swimming to help manage her arthritis but she can now play normally with her favourite toy – a squeaky blue ball. Well done Roxanne! You are both a swimmer, and a slimmer of the year!

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