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Coronavirus UK: John McDonnell accused of turning crisis into ‘political football’ | Politics | News

Shadow Chancellor Mr McDonnell shared details of Labour’s proposals, Wages, Welfare and Wellbeing: Labour’s Economic Plan for People Affected by Coronvirus, on Twitter last night. Labour’s proposals include guaranteeing wages for people faced with the loss of their jobs, and offering financial help to people in self-isolation and/or out of work. He commented: “The Government’s been too slow responding to coronavirus & its impact on our economy & people’s lives.

“Labour has a plan to keep people in work involving the state covering bulk of wages of people at risk of losing jobs.

“Now the Govt. needs to take it up.”

However, his post provoked a strong reaction on social media, with many people accusing him of playing politics.

Darren Thomas said: “Labour turning this awful situation into a political football. They have no shame.”

Juliet Morris added: “Stop making political mileage out of a crisis, it’s dispicable.

“No political party has stepped up to help the cladding victims whose dire situation is now worse.

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Theresa M Murphy added: “Why don’t you shut up stop trying to score points and support the government especially Boris who’s doing fantastic job labour would et the same advice can’t you accept people don’t want the Labour Party running our country grow up and try work with and not against.”

Meanwhile, Chris Usher said Labour’s plans for high levels of public spending would have left the UK in a poor position to battle the outbreak.

He said: “You still here my God labour won’t get in power for 10yrs we have a plan was this after buying bt royal mail utilities company waspi railways then covid-19 there would have been nothing in the bank give it a rest john.”

Justin Finch appealed for national unity, saying: “Stop this nonsense. You were too slow to win the election!

“We need to be working together and we have no time for the blame game.

“No government would have all the answers for such an unprecedented situation.”

Ian Ashworth Kirkham said: “Your stupid vexatious attitude that whatever the government does is automatically wrong got you trashed at the election and it won’t get you anywhere now.

“Show some loyalty to the country for once.”

However, not everyone disagreed with Mr McDonnell, with Heenan Gray reserving his criticism for Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

He commented: “No real plan, he is winging it and is incapable of making the right decisions, his failure to lock down will cost countless lives and inflict needless suffering.”

Labour’s three-point plan calls for the Government to underwrite the bulk of wages for those at risk of losing their jobs, or temporarily out of work, in exchange for a job guarantee; providing financial support to people who are sick or self-isolating because of the coronavirus; and providing security for those people who now out work.

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