Home / Royal Mail / CWU says Royal Mail will ‘walk away’ from talks to resolve dispute and prevent strikes – SKWAWKBOX

CWU says Royal Mail will ‘walk away’ from talks to resolve dispute and prevent strikes – SKWAWKBOX

Company’s lack of concern for customers on show, says union

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) says that it has today been informed by Royal Mail Group CEO Simon Thompson that negotiations to find a settlement to the long-running dispute on pay and change will end on Monday 21 November. The notification comes after the company presented documents to the union today with a deadline of Monday for workers to agree to them. 

A CWU spokesperson said:

Millions of customers and thousands of businesses are relying on the postal service. 120,000 postal workers are desperate to protect their terms and conditions. 

The next strikes are on Thursday – for the company to walk away from talks three days before that is reckless.

We call on the government, media and all businesses to demand Royal Mail takes a serious attitude to these negotiations and matches the unions commitment to reach an agreement.

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