Home / Royal Mail / David Bowie Is Honored by the Royal Mail in a Most Peculiar Way – artnet News

David Bowie Is Honored by the Royal Mail in a Most Peculiar Way – artnet News

Design Week

David Bowie Is Honored by the Royal Mail in a Most Peculiar Way
artnet News
“With a sound, style, and vision so ahead of this time, many thought David Bowie had tumbled to Earth from a distant planet,” wrote the Royal Mail on the project website. “As a tribute, a cargo of special edition stamps have been blasted in space so
How the Royal Mail's David Bowie stamps were designed – before being sent into spaceDesign Week
Ground Control to Royal Mail: UK postal service launches commemorative David Bowie stamps into spaceRock 107
David Bowie stamps launched into spaceNME.com
Eagle Radio –Gizmodo UK –The Guardian –Royal Mail
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