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Disgusting meal served to nursing home resident on Christmas Day

Elderly nursing home residents break down in tears after being served ‘awful’ plates of mashed potatoes and baked beans for Christmas

  • Unappealing food was served to resident at Vales Nursing Home in Adelaide
  • Outraged visitor saw woman crying and sent photo to the local MP Nat Cook
  • Ms Cook took the nursing home to task and spoke to its chief executive
  • Home said it wasn’t Christmas lunch but admitted it was ‘very poorly presented’

An aged care come has come under fire for serving a resident a meal of baked beans and mashed potatoes on Christmas Day.

Vales Nursing Home in Adelaide was taken to task by local state MP Nat Cook after she was sent a photo of the unappetising meal by a visitor.

The photo showed two clumps of mashed potato on top of a sea of beans that was smeared over the lip of the plate. 

‘This is a particularly awful looking plate of food on any day, but on Christmas…’ Ms Cook said on Thursday.

An aged care come has come under fire for serving a resident this meal of baked beans and mashed potatoes on Christmas Day

Ms Cook and the nursing home visitor who witnessed the meal being served said the resident cried after she saw it.

‘The poor dear was sobbing in her room with what she had been served to eat, in her room and alone,’ the visitor said.

Ms Cook said she had spoken to staff at the home in Morphett Vale, in Adelaide’s south, and with chief executive Neil Pahuja.

Mr Pahuja is also deputy chairman of the Aged Care Industry Association.

Vales’ parent company All Care Aged Care said the meal was not the resident’s Christmas lunch and likely served as a light evening meal.

The company admitted the mashed potato and beans was ‘very poorly presented’ but was a light meal that was provided on request.

‘We will definitely investigate If the posted image was served as an evening meal alternative and immediately ensure such meals even as a lighter meal are served in a far more appetising way,’ it said.

The nursing home was taken to task by local state MP Nat Cook (pictured) after she was sent a photo of the unappetising meal by a visitor

The nursing home was taken to task by local state MP Nat Cook (pictured) after she was sent a photo of the unappetising meal by a visitor

‘We serve approximately 185,000 meals a year and expect all to be of a high standard. 

‘We are monitoring the matter closely to ensure no lack in presentation or quality in food occurs at any stage.’

All Care said its Christmas lunch included traditional ham, pumpkin, potatoes, and other vegetables and food and drink were unlimited. 

Debra Mathews, who said she was a Vales staff member of 13 years, said the main Christmas meal was served on Christmas Eve.

She said those who didn’t go out with their families on Christmas Day were served roast, soup and dessert.

The unappealing meal drew particular ire after the issue of substandard nursing home food was highlighted in the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. 


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