Home / Royal Mail / Dog attacks on Havering postal workers double in past year

Dog attacks on Havering postal workers double in past year

Dog attacks on Havering postal workers double in past year

08 Jul 2019 3:15 pm

Haydn Jeavons

The number of attacks by dogs on postal workers in Havering, parts of Dagenham and Thurrock has nearly doubled in the last year.

There were 19 incidents in the RM postcode area in 2018-19, up from 10 the previous year.

Some incidents ended in serious and permanent injury, according to the Communication Workers Union.

Nationally, the number of incident where dogs attack postal workers has increased by nine per cent, to 2,484.

Royal Mail has launched its seventh annual Dog Awareness week and is encouraging residents to control their pets.

Tina O’Toole had only been delivering to a house for a couple of weeks when she was bitten on the leg.  

“I was aware there was a dog at the premises as I had heard it when I had delivered previously but I’d never seen the dog outside,” she said. 

“On the day of the attack I posted the mail and was surprised there was no barking. Once I had delivered the mail I turned to leave the premises when I heard the dog barking and running up behind me. As I was attempting to get through the gate I felt pain to my right calf.

“I’ve been off work now for five weeks and I’m just about to return. I’d just ask customers, please don’t have your dog loose in the garden when we are on our rounds. Owners are responsible for their dogs – no matter where there are. Owners often say their dogs won’t bite but there is no guarantee. Any dog can become aggressive and attack.”

Tina needed hospital treatment, a skin flap and she may also need physiotherapy in the future. 

Royal Mail is encouraging people to buy a wire letter receptacle to protect their mail as well as their postman’s fingers. 

“We certainly don’t look to punish customers, we work with them to make sure they’re aware of the things they can do to help us,” said Shaun Davis, from Royal Mail.  

“It’s not just Royal Mail employees, it’s anyone who works in the community who could be the victim of a dog attack so we see it as a social good as well as protecting our own.”

He added the organisation is not “anti-dog” and does not blame any particular breed of dog for the attacks. 

Tags: Thurrock, Romford, Havering, Dagenham

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