Home / Royal Mail / Donations sought for people struggling in Barrow this Christmas

Donations sought for people struggling in Barrow this Christmas

WITH Christmas around the corner, community groups are banding together to bring joy to those less fortunate.

Barrow Local Resilience Forum is a partnership of community, voluntary, and statutory agencies set up to support local communities and organisations in the Barrow Borough area.

The Barrow Local Resilience Forum ‘Giving to Communities at Christmas’ project is supporting vulnerable families and socially isolated adults who are financially struggling with a Christmas luxury food hamper, Christmas wellbeing hamper or a Christmas gift.

A spokesman said: “We are in need of toys for children aged zero-11. Let’s put a smile on children’s faces this Christmas.

“We will be distributing gifts between December 5-16, so please could all donations be brought in by November 30.

“Please drop off donations at Project John, Cavendish Street, Barrow.

“As you put up your Christmas decorations, turn on your Christmas lights and let’s make sure our most vulnerable neighbours in our communities receive some Christmas sparkle this year.”

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