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Eastleigh MP hits out at Royal Mail for postal changes plan

Should Royal Mail cut back on their second-class deliveries residents and businesses would only receive second-class post on alternating days during the week, with Saturday deliveries scrapped.

Eastleigh MP for the Liberal Democrats, Liz Jarvis, said: “This is a slap in the face for all those who rely on the post.

“Many residents in Eastleigh will be disappointed about the prospect of cuts to postal services, after facing years of ever rising costs due to mismanagement by Royal Mail executives. 

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“Many small businesses in Eastleigh will also be dismayed by this news. They have already had to endure a crippling National Insurance hike, and this would add even more pressure on them.” 

She added: “We cannot let standards slip even further by lowering delivery targets instead of actually fixing our postal services. These recommendations must be urgently reconsidered.” 

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