Home / Royal Mail / Encounter with German U-boat and other stories from a bygone era

Encounter with German U-boat and other stories from a bygone era

We are turning back the clock to see what was being reported on 80 years ago this week, in 1940.

Above, a cigarette advertisement published in a 1940s edition of the Rochdale Observer newspaper

Rochdale Woman’s Unlucky Errand

Yesterday morning Mrs Elizabeth Hannah Harker (67) of 16, Percival Street went on an errand and whilst away from home was involved in two accidents.

She was walking along Kay Brow in the directionof Mere Lane when she slipped and fractured her left forearm. A motorist who was passing gave her a lift in his car, but when near Boundary Street the car was involved in a collision with another vehicle. Fragments from the windscreen struck Mrs Harker on the face and her forehead was lacerated. After receiving treatment at the In firmary she was conveyed home.

An OXO Cube advertisement from a 1940s edition of the Rochdale Observer newspaper

Encounter with U-Boat – Local Passengers on Liner which was Attacked

Mr and Mrs Norman Riley, the son-in-law and daughter of Mr and Mrs J. A. Bentley of Southport, formerly of Littleborough, were eye-witnesses of a thrilling encounter with a German U-boat which recently attacked the Royal Mail liner Highland Patriot, on which they were returning to Brazil after spending a four months’ vacation in England and Scotland.

In a letter to her parents, Mrs Riley states the encounter took place towards the end of December. The commander of the submarine ordered the Highland Patriot to stop, but instead the captain of the liner ordered full speed ahead and caused his ship to take a zig-zag course, knowing that his speed was greater than that of the submarine.

All passengers had to stand to their boat stations to be prepared for the worst and they saw the whole of the fight, which lasted two hours.
Mrs Riley states that the shots from the submarine fell a long way short of the liner, whereas the shots fired by the gunner on the Highland Patriot came nearer and nearer to hitting the submarine.

“Our next shot will get them all right,” remarked the gunner of the Highland Patriot, but just then the submarine dived and was seen no more. At the time the liner was attacked it had completed only half of the trip to Brazil and it was a great relief to all on board when Rio de Janeiro was safely reached.

Mr and Mrs Bentley have many friends in the Littleborough district, who will join them in congratulations to them on the safe arrival of their daughter and son-in-law after such an exciting journey.

An advertisement for Beechams Pills from a 1940s edition of the Rochdale Observer newspaper

“Too Cold in the Mornings”

Asked by P.S. Machell why he was not exhibiting the current Road Fund licence on his motor car after he had produced the licence from his pocket, James Allen Lambert (21) of Moorgate Farm, Littleborough, said it had been too cold in the mornings to put it in the holder.
P.S. Machell told the magistrates that he saw the defendant in Victoria Street, Littleborough, on January 24, driving a car which showed an expired licence.
When told he would be reported, Lambert said: “Is that all you have to do? Can’t you find anything else wrong?” A fine of £1 was imposed.

An advertisement for influenza medication from a 1940s edition of the Rochdale Observer newspaper

A soap advertisement published in a 1940s edition of the Rochdale Observer newspaper

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