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Flooding delays upset work on route to new homes

A main town centre route will stay shut for another week, after heavy rain led to flooding.

Easthampstead Road in Wokingham, between Waterloo Road and Heathlands Road, has been closed for preparation work since 20 January, ahead of construction of a new road to planned homes in the area.

Wokingham Borough Council said the deluge had delayed the clearing of hedges on both sides of the site for the new South Wokingham Distributor Road.

It had been due to reopen on Saturday but will remain shut until 8 February.

The authority said: “We’ll do our best to reopen the road before next Saturday, which may be possible as the weather forecast is more favourable.”

The new road will provide an alternative route, avoiding Wokingham town centre, to about 1,800 new homes that are going to be built to the south of the railway line.

A diversion remains in place for drivers and there is still access on both sides of the railway but only pedestrians can use the level crossing.

The main building work for the road is due to begin in the spring, with further road closures and diversions expected.

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