A little girl who sent a birthday card to her dad “in heaven” was overjoyed to learn it had been successfully delivered.
Hollie Morgan, six, posted the handmade card to her dad Nigel to mark his 47th birthday after his death last year.
And days later she was told her message had been safely delivered after “avoiding stars and other galactic objects en route to heaven”.
Hollie’s mum Laura Allen, 32, said: “We’d heard about people doing similar sorts of things and though we’d give it a go.
“She wanted to wish her dad a happy birthday as he would have been 47 in October.
(Image: Kerry Elsworth/Mercury Press)

(Image: Kerry Elsworth/Mercury Press)
“She wrote it out and put ‘to dad in heaven’ on the envelope before we took it to the post office.
“The postmaster said it needed a special stamp on because it was going to heaven and told Hollie that she needed to write her address on the back.
“He said they would write to her to let it know it had arrived safely.”
Hollie then received a letter from Royal Mail confirming her letter had been successfully sent to heaven.

(Image: Kerry Elsworth/Mercury Press)

(Image: Kerry Elsworth/Mercury Press)
Laura, from Widnes, Cheshire, said: “I got the post through the letter box and one of the letters had Hollie’s name on so I wasn’t sure what it was at first.
“She opened it and asked me to read it. She was so happy about it. It was wonderful.
“Despite her age she understands what’s happened and is very resilient about it all.
“She always talks about her dad and the things they did together and the games they played with each other.

(Image: Kerry Elsworth/Mercury Press)
“She was so happy when she received the reply and will definitely keep on sending them.
“I’m just so grateful to Royal Mail for replying. It made Hollie’s day and was such a nice thing to do, so whoever sent it, thank you so much.”
Hollie’s army veteran dad, Nigel Morgan, who served in the Royal Logistic Corps in Northern Ireland, the first Gulf War and Bosnia, died in June 2018 after being struck by bronchial pneumonia.