It was heartening to read that Royal Mail is cutting its carbon emissions by transferring mail from air to road (Royal Mail goes ahead with cuts to UK flights despite takeover, 7 July). Could I suggest an even more radical idea, which I know may sound totally implausible, that of travelling post offices on trains? (“This is the night mail crossing the border, / Bringing the cheque and the postal order”)
Ken Smith
Macclesfield, Cheshire
It’s great that the Guardian cartoonist Ben Jennings has created his own version of Hogarth’s A Rake’s Progress (‘It’s like Where’s Wally in broken Britain’: Ben Jennings on his Tory-era take on A Rake’s Progress, 9 July). But no mention of Grayson Perry’s marvellous tapestries on the same theme, which have been touring the UK and are now at the Pitzhanger gallery in Ealing, west London.
Gwen Chapman
Leatherhead, Surrey
Andrew Fraser (Letters, 9 July) suggests one source of land for housebuilding is that which was “stolen from the people” by hereditary peers. Another obvious source is the hundreds of thousands of acres wasted by being used as private golf courses.
Derek Worthing
Like David Harper (Letters, 9 July), I rise early and spend the first hour drinking tea, preferably outside. But where can I buy the Guardian at 5am?
Jane Sutherland
Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire
So Lord Darzi likes to listen to Pink Floyd when operating (Profile, 11 July). is that Comfortably Numb or Careful With That Axe, Eugene?
Barry Barker
Kingham, Oxfordshire
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