Home / Royal Mail / Hull Royal Infirmary wards and waiting rooms from the 60s and 70s

Hull Royal Infirmary wards and waiting rooms from the 60s and 70s

These fascinating flashback images give a glimpse into what Hull Royal Infirmary looked like over 60 years ago.

We have delved into our flashback folders, as shown in the video above – and it is fascinating to see what it looked like back in the 1960s and 1970s.

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The hospital was still quite new then.

The facility was built to replace the old Hull Royal Infirmary on Prospect Street. A Georgian building, it’s time to practice modern medicine had passed.

Opened in June 1967, by HRH Queen Elizabeth, the “new” Hull Royal Infirmary was built on the site of the old Western General Hospital and it offered state-of-the-art medicine within a modern environment, designed to offer treatment on a huge scale.

Find out a bit more about the pictures shown in the video above below…

Hull Royal Infirmary gleaming in the afternoon sun in 1966

The Hull Royal Infirmary’s new building on Anlaby Road, on the site of the previous Western General Hospital, gleaming in the afternoon sun in 1966.

The Infirmary was opened a year later by HM Queen Elizabeth.

The buildings still standing at the front of the infirmary, close to Lansdown Road, were for the accommodation of nurses.

September, 1975. This shows a waiting area at Hull Royal Infirmary
September, 1975. This shows a waiting area at Hull Royal Infirmary

September 1975.

This shows a waiting area at the infirmary. Strange to think that, at this time in history, these waiting areas were the only such areas in virtually everywhere where those waiting couldn’t smoke cigarettes.

A dispensing trolley with nursing staff
A dispensing trolley with nursing staff

A dispensing trolley with nursing staff were pictured outside of the intensive care unit at the Hull Royal Infirmary here for a feature on the hospital in 1977.

The reception area on the ground floor
The reception area on the ground floor

A snap from April 1969 of ‘The Big City hospital; the Hull Royal Infirmary.’

This view looks along the reception area on the ground floor.

A picture taken at Hull Royal Infirmary on June 16th, 1967
A picture taken at Hull Royal Infirmary on June 16th, 1967

A snap from June 16, 1967, showing part of one of the wards with the “new style beds” – with a panoramic view of the city.

The previous hospital on the site was known as the Western General Hospital.

This new building replaced the old Hull Royal Infirmary which was on Prospect Street in Hull.

'One of the neatly carpeted corridor waiting areas'
‘One of the neatly carpeted corridor waiting areas’

A picture from September, 1975, showing ‘one of the neatly carpeted corridor waiting areas’.

Obviously taken at a time when hard, tiled floors were the norm in hospitals. This view will be familiar with many, old and young, who have used the hospital’s facilities.

Sterile operating theatre packs are prepared in hygenic conditions at the Hull Royal Infirmary
Sterile operating theatre packs are prepared in hygenic conditions at the Hull Royal Infirmary

A picture taken in June, 1967.

Sterile operating theatre packs are prepared in hygienic conditions at the Hull Royal Infirmary.

A picture taken on May 17th, 1967
A picture taken on May 17th, 1967

One from May 17, 1967.

Annoyingly there are no details on the back of this hard copy print so we have no explanation of what these staff members are doing. All wearing sterile hygiene clothing, are they perhaps preparing dressings?

Catering management staff preparing the meat trolleys
Catering management staff preparing the meat trolleys

Catering management staff preparing the meat trolleys at the Hull Royal Infirmary in March 1979.

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