A WOMAN who shelled out £300 on a “parcel box” to stop annoying delivery men disturbing her with packages was left baffled by one driver’s reaction.
She explained that she was fed up of them knocking on her door when they had something to deliver, so decided to take measures to stop it from happening.


So, she did some research, and invested in a lockable box that stood at the side of her house.
It has two slots on it – a slim one for letters and a larger one for parcels, and the deliveries all fall down into the bottom cabinet which can only be accessed with a key.
The woman had also stuck a sign to her front door, which read: “Please leave all packages and deliveries in package box, thank you!”
However, when a postman tried to deliver a parcel to her house, he completely ignored the directions, and left the cardboard package BEHIND the parcel box.
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He’d also left a calling card telling her that the package was “behind box”.
“Thought I was helping the posties out so they didn’t have to knock,” she wrote alongside pictures of the box and said delivery on Reddit.
“They really do walk among us,” she added.
“£300 parcel box for nothing it seems!”
“I suspect it got mangled in the box as they didn’t know how it worked so they just stuck it behind,” she also wrote in the comments section.
“Don’t understand this one bit lol,” one person wrote.
“I rejoice when I see one of these, why go through the effort to put it behind the box and then have to write out a p739?”
And when another questioned whether or not the box was “blocked”, she replied: “I checked and it wasn’t.
“Although the other day Amazon half opened it and stuffed a parcel down the gap and completely blocked it and mangled the package in the mechanism.
“I know you aren’t born with the knowledge of how everything works but come on!”
She also wrote: “I may print and laminate instructions but I don’t want it to seem passive aggressive, maybe a simple ‘open door fully’?
“I’ve had a few deliveries where someone has opened the hatch part way to see in to the bottom and rammed a parcel in and got it stuck.”
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