Home / Royal Mail / If we don’t get our act together and leave the UK, they’ll freeze us out

If we don’t get our act together and leave the UK, they’ll freeze us out

The Scottish Tories are a party genuinely despised by the vast majority of decent folk up here, due to their deliberate and wanton destruction of our industries since the 1980s as well as the daylight robbery of trillions of pounds worth of our North Sea resources.

And yet, they inexplicably still get huge amounts of airtime up here despite now having fewer members than not just Keir Starmer’s genuinely clueless New Tories, but also fewer now than the Greens and the fledgling Alba Party too.

Alba – and to an extent the Greens – at least care about the Scottish people and not just Scotland’s huge resources, yet they get at best an absolute fraction of the airtime between them than a reviled party with fewer members than any of the others. Is that fair? Answers on a postcard please, as there’s a rumour Royal Mail is not doubling the price of a stamp this week, but this week only.

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Have no fear, though, as our huge resources are now being stolen by the ludicrous Keir Harmer and his New Tories On The Block, who, not content with just stealing our oil and gas, and wanting to put one over the tiny Tories, are now building huge pipelines to steal all our vast renewable resources too.

I woke this morning, put on the radio and found the station calling itself Radio “Scotland”. I don’t know why I bother but like so many others, I always wonder if one morning – just one morning – these Scottish accents will perhaps even just for a moment not sound like they don’t hate all things Scotland. Of course, I was hugely let down, but hey, what did I really expect?

Anyway, here I was preparing the kids’ breakfasts and school lunches only to have my ears attacked once more from the wee radio listening to some drivel about the pointless, tiny Tories up here having a new “leader”.

This was then followed by another feature about the Westminster Tories this time and their latest in a very long line of completely useless potential leaders vying for the poisoned chalice, oh and the vast riches that failure brings these charlatans. Never forget this as half a million to talk at after-dinner parties after completely failing in the job is not to be sniffed at old bean, what ho!

I shook my head and thought to myself, “No one in their right mind gives a damn about these crooked clowns yet here we go again, getting English political party bull rammed down our throats from the moment we wake”.

But hang on, there’s another feature just starting that may stop me wanting to throw the radio out the window and jump after it myself. Ah, the new feature has a woman representing the energy companies, blatantly lying through her teeth from start to finish as she somehow tries to justify the latest disgraceful price hikes when the price for gas is lower now than when that old favourite excuse of the energy companies was again rolled out, the war in Ukraine.

What hit me like a ton of bricks about this energy woman was she was not interrupted or challenged once when she was blatantly lying through her teeth, yet when any representative of parties wanting Scots to wake the hell up and see what is happening right in front of their eyes are asked a question and try to reply, they are subjected to the interviewing equivalent of being attacked by a hungry, angry pack of American pit bulls!

In case there is a single person around who does not know, hugely energy-rich Britain – thanks to Scotland in reality but that’s our secret! – only took 3% of its energy from Russia yet increased prices around 200% almost instantly to help hide the catastrophic stupidity and enormous financial impact of “protect the offshore tax avoiders in the palace and avoid giving the workers a proper pension” that was Brexit.

It’s remarkable how countries relying way more than Britain on Russian energy capped rises between 3% and 5%.

I can hear the muppets in Westminster now screaming: “How dare they, who do they think they are, do they want invaded too as they are bloody well asking for it by not playing cricket and absolutely screwing their own nation’s workers and pensioners yet again despite it being the absolutely perfect excuse, to follow on from our filling our boots under the cover of Covid-19! These bloody socialists caring for their own people, it’s disgusting, I tell you, absolutely disgusting! Do you hear me?”

READ MORE: Russell Findlay seeks to block debate about how Scotland can prosper

I suppose the moral of the story is we are not allowed our own media to ensure people do not realise just how much better their lives could be if our wee, vastly energy-rich country ran its own affairs, and we are not allowed to control said resources, and if we get into trouble financially due to the daylight robbery of our resources going on, we are not allowed to borrow money either as England has us is a stranglehold which simply must not be allowed to continue for a moment longer.

It’s time for people to work together, stop the childish bickering and bring in a leadership team with a backbone, ready to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. It’s sitting waiting for us folks and we have been terribly let down by the SNP for far too long so they get their act together properly or make way as it’s been absolutely horrific how badly we have been let down despite them having one open goal after another.

Don’t you just love having your life ruined by out and out crooks from another country, and your leaders totally let you down too with their downright timidity? But hey, it’s kinda fun, right, as you’re moved along from trying to stay warm in your sleeping bag in the town centre as it’s way warmer than your home these days?

Here’s to brrrrrrrrilliant times ahead,

Iain K


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