Home / Royal Mail / James Martin weight loss: Chef shares huge 5st weight loss transformation

James Martin weight loss: Chef shares huge 5st weight loss transformation

In an interview with The Herald in November 2021, James said: “It’s not the butter consumption.

“It’s the ready-made food, it’s the packet food, the hidden salt, hidden fat – that’s the problem in this country.

“It’s not the butter in a butter block, or butter you put on your toast.

“It’s the fact that not as many people cook in the UK as they do in France or Italy or Spain.”

The chef added that putting enough butter on toast is important to him, saying: “I can’t do butter if it’s not visual on hot toast.

“I can’t eat it – it’s got to be enough butter to make it still visual.”

Speaking about his health in general, James went on to say that he has a check-up for heart disease every six months, due to his family’s history of it.

He said: “I’m fine. It’s everything in moderation.

“I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. So, there you go.

“If you complain about me putting butter on my bread, then stop bloody smoking or stop drinking.”

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