Home / Royal Mail / Katharine House Hospice in Banbury launches a Christmas campaign

Katharine House Hospice in Banbury launches a Christmas campaign

A HOSPICE has launched a Christmas appeal to help provide care for local families who are facing their last Christmas with loved ones with a life-limiting illness.

Katharine House in Banbury is aiming to raise £65,000, which is how much it costs to run the hospice over the festive period.

The hospice has said all donations will help patients and their families receive compassionate, individualised care and support so they can make the most of the time they have left together.

Jane, a relative of one patient at the hospice, said: “Memories can still be made even in the saddest of times. Katharine House enabled this, and the staff were incredible and offered support in every way.”

The hospice fundraising team has devised a jam-packed series of 12 fun and festive fundraising events running throughout December for the 12 days of Christmas.

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There will be a Big Quiz, an opportunity to challenge friends and family to a post lockdown charity shop Christmas, or indulge in a Christmas cocktail or curry. All details for having some Christmas fun while helping support Katharine House can be found on their website.

Justine Williams, director of fundraising and comms, said: “The hospice’s finances have been badly hit by the pandemic, so we once again need to call upon the kind support of our generous community to help families living with a life-limiting illness this winter season.”

The annual and much loved Lights of Love service will take place at the hospice this year on December 15 and will be streamed online. On 22 December, a wide range of local musical talent will also be live-streamed for a special Christmas Appeal concert.

The Santa Fun Run will take place on December 13, and this year there is a choice of three virtual challenges to select from. To donate to the Christmas Appeal and to find out more about the 12 Days of Christmas fundraising events go to www.khh.org.uk.

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