Home / Royal Mail / Kind Royal Mail employee replies to girl who posted her dummies

Kind Royal Mail employee replies to girl who posted her dummies

Her daughter loved the response (Picture: Family Lockdown Tips and Tricks/Facebook)

A dummy can be a huge comfort to your little one but as they get older, it’s hard to convince them to give it up.

Some parents like to encourage them to get them to the ‘dodo fairy’ so kids know it’s going somewhere special.

One mum packaged her daughter’s dummies up to be sent to the fairy in the post, adding her address to the parcel, just in case Royal Mail had a problem.

And she was amazed when just a few days later, a kind Royal Mail employee had sent her a letter back, with a ‘note from the fairy’ to show her daughter.

Posting in the Family Lockdown Tips & Ideas group, the mum said: ‘Sooo last week the 7th of September my clever little princess posted her dummy’s to the “do do fairy’s!”

‘I put our adress as thought if they had a problem they could send back! Well this morning the “dummy fairy’s” ( Royal Mail) sent a letter to say thank you!

‘To say my little princess hasn’t stopped smiling is an understatement! She won’t put the letter down! Soo to any mummy/daddy’s out there struggling with how to get rid of them! Here you go! Shout out to Royal Mail for making my baby’s day!’

The return envelope included a note from Les Haffenden, the late shift manager at Royal Mail Home Counties North Mail Centre.

The letter they received in return (Picture: Family Lockdown Tips and Tricks/Facebook)

He explained that they try to reply to customers with an address on the parcel and send them a thank you letter from the fairies.

The note from the fairies said: ‘Thank you, you are so kind and courageous to give your dummy to the fairies. We are proud of you! And we promise to look after it.’

Other parents loved the kind response and the post had over 1,200 comments.

More: Families

One said: ‘Royal Mail strike again. You guys truly are amazing. Well done.’

Another added: ‘Faith in humanity restored! What a great person.’

Someone else said: ‘Wow. This is completely wonderful and joyous. I bet the post people love getting things like this.’

Do you have a story to share?

Get in touch at metrolifestyleteam@metro.co.uk.

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