Home / Royal Mail / Labour party manifesto pledges to renationalise energy, rail and Royal Mail – The Guardian

Labour party manifesto pledges to renationalise energy, rail and Royal Mail – The Guardian

The Guardian

Labour party manifesto pledges to renationalise energy, rail and Royal Mail
The Guardian
Jeremy Corbyn will lay out plans to take parts of Britain's energy industry back into public ownership alongside the railways and Royal Mail in a radical manifesto that will also promise an annual injection of £6bn for the NHS and £1.6bn for social care.
Labour draft election manifesto leaked: Jeremy Corbyn to renationalise Royal Mail and pledge £6bn a year for NHSThe Independent
Labour manifesto leaked: Jeremy Corbyn pledges to re-nationalise energy industry, railways and Royal Mail in draft …Mirror.co.uk
Labour embraces left-wing policies in leaked draft manifestoFinancial Times
Daily Mail –Telegraph.co.uk –ITV News
all 879 news articles »

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