Home / Royal Mail / Labour sought legal advice that Jeremy Corbyn can implement broadband policy if UK remains in EU

Labour sought legal advice that Jeremy Corbyn can implement broadband policy if UK remains in EU

Labour has sought formal legal advice that Jeremy Corbyn will still be able to implement one of his flagship election pledges if he keeps the UK in the European Union.

The Sunday Telegraph understands that a QC has provided the party with advice on the legality of creating a nationalised broadband service, under state aid rules and other relevant laws.

The disclosure highlights Mr Corbyn’s readiness to overturn the UK’s planned exit from the EU if he becomes prime minister.

A majority of the shadow cabinet is preparing to campaign to Remain if Mr Corbyn delivers on his promise of a second referendum on the UK’s membership of the bloc.

It comes as an analysis by the Tories claims that up to 10…

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